Portico de Busto is located in Bustos, Bulacan. It is a wedding and events venue. Several residences surround the events venue. Inside Portico de Busto, trees and shrubs have been planted as aesthetic improvements. Mosquitos were observed in the back of the showers since moisture was present and the spot was relatively isolated and cool.
Bushes also became natural water-holders and mosquito attractants as they were regularly watered.
A total of 6 ovitraps were used to collect data in Portico de Busto. Most egg and adult catches were Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, more commonly known as the tiger mosquito. It is also known to be the carrier of several diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika virus.
The catches over a four-week period for Portico de Busto shows that Aedes sp. Mosquitos to be the abundant catches for both adults and eggs. Inside areas with Olyset Net Window Screen installation had significantly lower catches compared to kitchen area with untreated screen protection.

The Olyset Net Window Screen was installed in the main hall as large panels of different dimensions covering all the openings of the wedding hall.

The black color of Olyset Net Window Screen also provided a good contrast of light allowing a greater view of the outside by giving a non-blinding view from too much sunlight.
Also, an experimental usage of Olyset Net Window Screen was done in Portico De Busto. Olyset Net Window Screen was installed in bushes near the shower area where mosquito adults were abundant. The tally for mosquito eggs and adults after 4 weeks show that mosquito eggs and adults catches were far lower in the bushes behind the shower where Olyset Net Window Screen was present as compared to bushes compared to adjacent areas.

Our Environment
“We’re serious of our responsibility to be a good neighbor. We will be a force of growth and progress — by bringing together our partners, associates, customers. We seek to contribute to well-being of the community. We aim to enrich lives and inspire, act as role model, by setting new standards of style, conservation and protection of a green Mother Earth.”
– Portico De Busto Management